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Contractions Meaning in Academic Writing


Contractions are a common feature of everyday conversation and informal writing. However, their use is generally frowned upon in academic writing. In this article, we will explore the meaning of contractions and why they should be avoided in academic writing.

What are contractions?

Contractions are shortened forms of two or more words that are combined into a single word by removing one or more letters and replacing them with an apostrophe. Examples of contractions include “can`t” (cannot), “won`t” (will not), and “it`s” (it is).

Why should contractions be avoided in academic writing?

Contractions are generally seen as too informal for academic writing. The use of contractions can make writing seem less professional and can detract from the credibility of the author. Furthermore, the purpose of academic writing is to present information in a clear and concise manner, and the use of contractions can hinder this goal by making sentences more difficult to read and understand.

Using contractions in academic writing can also be seen as a sign of laziness or lack of effort on the part of the author. In academic writing, it is important to convey a serious and scholarly tone, and the use of contractions can come across as too casual or flippant.

How to avoid using contractions in academic writing

To avoid using contractions in academic writing, it is important to be aware of them and to know how to substitute them with more formal language. For example, instead of using “can`t” or “won`t,” one can use “cannot” or “will not” respectively. Similarly, instead of using “it`s,” one can write “it is.”

It is also important to proofread one`s work for contractions and to replace them with more formal language. This can be done manually or by using an editing tool that can identify and replace contractions automatically.


Contractions have a place in everyday conversation and informal writing, but they should be avoided in academic writing. They can make writing seem less professional, can detract from the credibility of the author, and can hinder the clarity and concision of the writing. By substituting contractions with more formal language and proofreading one`s work carefully, writers can ensure that their academic writing is clear, concise, and professional.